Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 23: {1/31/09}

Jayden and I kept taking pictures of ourselves and then admiring how cute we were! Haha!

Day 22: {1/30/09}

For Ashley's birthday, we went a restaurant called Taverna Opa. Yes, you dance on the table, its almost contagious. Before going, I thought that there was no way that I was gonna get on a table and dance, but everyone in the entire restaurant is participating, it made for a great time.

Day 21: {1/29/09}

Eggplant pizza, to die for...

Day 20: {1/28/09}

A sweet, silly note from my Laura!

Day 19: {1/27/09}

Warmth for the soul...

Day 18: {1/26/09}

Khai-Lynn and I danced and played to the song our hearts, Uncle Brenton captured the moments!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 17: {1/25/09}

Don't you love the hat? Khai's Aunt T has some good taste! What a true rocker! I think I bought it before she was even born! So cute! We had such a wonderful day in the park, Khai-Khai loved being outside with her Grandpa Lenny!

Day 16: {1/24/09}

Just me and the cam...

Day 15: {1/23/09}

Yay... it's Friday night and we are going to the Mofro concert! What more could I ask for? I had the best time I have ever had at a concert. I would describe myself as quiet and shy, but this was the night were I really let loose and had a blast, with nudge of a drink or two, I danced the night away, and let me add that normally, I DO NOT DANCE...I am usually the girl standing against the wall. But to be honest, I was like, who cares?!?

Day 14: {1/22/09}

Am I still in Florida? This weather is amazing...I think I'm in love!!

After credit carding my windows, I realized that this could be the closest to snow as I am going to see! Haha!

Day 13: {1/21/09}

My bag is packed and I am off to nourish my mind with the goody goodness of a really long math lecture!

Day 12: {1/20/09}

President Barack Obama...unfortunately I had to work today, but as the lunch bell rang, I knew that we were moments away from swearing in our new President, so my mom and I ran to the car to listen... it was amazing to share this moment of history with her. It is moments like this, where you never forget where you were and who you were with. I am so honored to have a man as inspiring as he, to represent me and you, as people of the United States of America.

(Picture is a little dark, but it works!)

Day 11: {1/19/09}

Its the beginning of the week, and time to get ready for millions of school deadlines. It's Math homework first!

Day 10: {1/18/09}

My day to simply breathe and was so so sweet.

Day 9: {1/17/09}

The start of a journey that leads straight towards the gates of my addiction... the mall!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 8: {1/16/09}

My wonderful husband brought home an amazing bottle of wine. What a way to celebrate and end the week.

Day 7: {1/15/09}

Oh, the end of the school week! It was a 3 day adventure that has begun a new chapter, and I am so ready! While I was excited to come home and kick off my shoes...I still can't wait for the next week to begin. Today was actually very interesting. I had my first Psychology class, and I think that it has the potential to be my favorite. From the moment the class began I was beyond intrigued, and now can’t wait for my return to room J0109.

Day 6: {1/14/09}

I was introduced to the world of math was definately a challenge, but I'm ready!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 5: {1/13/09}

Lost in the chaos of my own mind, I was completely oblivious to all around me, and while the time came closer and closer to actually leave work to go to school, I had a rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions, but the time came sooner than expected, and I was off to school. On my way, I met with Brenton so that he could give me a book I had forgotten. After handing it to me, he also handed me a Target bag, full of things that I had mentioned that I needed to pick up for school, as I took a closer look, I found a beautiful card. In it, my wonderful husband took the time to write me a little letter telling me that he is proud of me; it honestly made me realize that it’s these small things that make me feel safe, loved, and encouraged. Thank you!

Day 4: {1/12/09}

So, as the night came to an end, I almost forgot to take my picture for the day. I was in bed by 7:00 pm with a horrible migraine. I grabbed my camera and took a few shots of my amazing hubby, as he sat on the edge of the bed. Here is my fav!

Day 3: {1/11/09}

We gathered to celebrate the birthday of my nephew, Ocean, and some beautiful moments were captured. This was a family picture taken at the end of the night, and I think it truly portrays the spirit of this Hillman family!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 2: {1/10/09}

I captured the land that’s all too familiar. It lies among the stretch between my house, and my moms. About 15 minutes, but I’ll still call it a stretch! It’s the backdrop that’s seems to stay constant each time I fly by.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 1: {1/9/09}

Yay, today is Friday! This has been a long awaited day after a week that seemed to drag into eternity! I am definitely a homebody (outside of shopping), so when my week comes to an end, I am just so happy to know that I can focus on family time with Brenton, but since Friday is his late night to work, I had some alone time at home, and as the sun was setting, I decided to unwind on our back porch with the pups. They recently got new tennis balls that squeak…loudly, they love them, but after hearing it for the millionth time, I have come to want to throw the ball over the fence, ok, maybe not to that extreme, but…it can drive you a little crazy! Anyhow, they asked politely to play a game a fetch (<--See crazy), and I agreed to one round. We had a blast! To my day one, cheers!

Welcome, Self...

So, even though we are in the second week of the year, I do believe that I am going to join in on Project 365 created by Becky Higgins. It’s about capturing your day to day life with pictures and/or journaling. Even though my life isn't too interesting, I think that it will be an awesome experience. Isn't it funny that even when your life is complete chaos, you still manage to add just one more thing? In a state of delusion (maybe from the chaos), I decided to make the New Year's resolution of “trying” to eat better…it's not going so well! So, since I obviously can’t indulge in half a pumpkin pie, or a tasty double cheeseburger, I suppose photography and writing will suffice! Really though, I am excited for my journey and documentation of everyday life.

If anyone is interested, there is a kit that you can buy, but it's currently sold out, however, that doesn't mean that you can't begin seizing the moment and snapping away at the times that capture the essence of today.